Might seem a daft question but i am wondering whether it might be possible to upgrade a SB3 to a touch. Reason being is that i have a SB+ which uses the guts of an SB3 and improves the digital output, that I would like to get up to 24/96 and use with an external DAC. I am currently only interested in Redbook as the DAC is a Perpetual Technologies P1/P3a but am thinking down the line. Am i being daft?
Might seem a daft question but i am wondering whether it might be possible to upgrade a SB3 to a touch. Reason being is that i have a SB+ which uses the guts of an SB3 and improves the digital output, that I would like to get up to 24/96 and use with an external DAC. I am currently only interested in Redbook as the DAC is a Perpetual Technologies P1/P3a but am thinking down the line. Am i being daft?