Connected Acoustic SRI amplifier - Equalization possibilities
Hello everyone, Finally, I turn to writing after much reading on these forums. In the renovation of the house, I decided to equip four piece with multiroom systeù. At that moment I was looking for the...
View ArticleReplacement Duet display not working properly
Dearest Group, I've just fitted a replacement (sourced from eBay) display for my Duet. The only problem is that the image is flipped vertically and horizontally! Has anyone else experienced this and...
View ArticleFaulty Touch, regulator 'U28' 3VTOH?
Hello, I've had a miss-hap with my Touch, my fault entirely. I accidentally plugged my Laptop charger into it (19.5V @ 4A!) instead of the usual 5V, polarity was the same. I've damaged it, it no longer...
View ArticleSchematic Diagram
Has anyone got a link to a schematic or circuit diagram for a SB2/3? I know I saw one years ago on Sean Adams website but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Failing that, some info on voltage rails and...
View ArticleFaulty xilinx board
Hiya, I picked up a faulty SB3 up cheap and after initially thinking it was dc related and after some substitution with a working SB3 I've come to the conclusion that it's the xilinx board that's...
View ArticleHelp finding an old thread - proximity key cards
I've been struggling to find an old thread in which someone developed a brilliant proximity sensing system. I think the idea was that different cards were encoded with a key corresponding to an album....
View ArticleNeed help for broken Transporter
Hi all I am a long standing Transporter owner, but unfortunately my unit is no longer functional. What happened: First the screen stopped working, however I was still able to control the player through...
View ArticleSqueezebox 3 circuit diagram.
My favourite squeezebox 3 has just died :-( which is really bad news as it has been so much more reliable than the 3 Duets that I purchased more recently as the range is so much better. Can anyone tell...
View ArticleSqueezeBox Touch screen change.
I'm using an SBT in my car,mainly for it's optical output as I'm using a DSP that takes an optical input.Yes I know they're not designed for automotive use,but I'm working my around the inherent...
View ArticlePiped music in the loo triggered by PIR?
Just built a Squeezebox for one of the kids - Raspberry Pi running Squeezelite and realised it's so cheap and easy that as a fun project (and to annoy the wife!) it would be great to have a squeezebox...
View ArticleWanted: Screen for Duet controller
Hello. I'm interested in purchasing a screen for a Duet controller. Mine is dim beyond belief. I know these used to be sold on eBay, but they are apparently NLA. If you have a spare screen please get...
View ArticleModding Squeezebox/UE Smart Radio?
I recently purchased a couple of UE smart radios. I've discovered that it's pretty easy to SSH into these things, and that the software appears to be written in lua... Vi is installed as well. So, it...
View ArticleLightning damage to Squeezebox 3 - repaired!
My first posting here, I'm hoping it can help others with this problem. This is how I repaired a Squeezebox 3 that was damaged by lightning. My SB3 went dark during a violent lightning storm (despite...
View ArticleAdvice needed - "build" USB DAC
Hi all, I'd like to combine these two products (minidsp curryman dac sabre es9023 + cm6631a interface usb + i2s) into a USB DAC to attach to my wandboard with CSOS. Being not terribly experienced in...
View ArticleNoritake CU40025SCPB-U1A - interfacing
Greetings, I just came across the VFD module that I removed from a Squeezebox many years ago when I upgraded it to the first 'graphic' display. I remember at the time there were a few ideas floating...
View ArticleHELP resurrecting a dead SB3
Hi All After many years of faithful service, one of my two SB3s has died. At first I thought it was simply the wall adaptor, but after swapping it with the one from the other working SB3, that is not...
View ArticlePart number for the DC jack on an SB3
Not really DIY, unless you count repairs, but does anyone know the Digikey or Maplin part number for the DC input jack on an SB3? Mine appears to be causing the device to reboot sporadically.
View ArticlePiScreen - has anyone tried this
I noticed on the German Forums here there is a discussion of the new PiScreen as a replacement for the Touch(with RaspPi and Dac). Has anyone speaking English tried this and been sucessful? The screen...
View ArticleSB PiCorePlayer & external USB DAC (TeddyDAC-USB)
I have a Pi running PiCorePlayer v1.16 wirelessly connected to LMS 7.9.0 running on an Odroid with Debian SQLite 1.34. I also have a HiFiBerry card attached which gives me the ability to play 192kb...
View ArticleHelp with dead Squeezebox 2
Hiya, I picked up a selection of dead Squeezebox / Squeezebox 2's off e-bay a while ago. The Squeezeboxes were fairly easy to resurrect, either having dead power supplies or the notorious dead Wi-Fi...
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